
艾迪奖, 一年一度的庆祝杜瓦尔县优秀教师的活动, is a time-honored tradition that has grown into its new mission to elevate the role of Jacksonville's best teachers.



J. Allen Axson Montessori学校

艾利森是一位真正有活力的教育家. 她是一位训练有素的蒙台梭利老师,坚信蒙台梭利教育方法. 她一直是年轻学习者的倡导者. 在她的11年里. 贝尔一直在J. Allen Axson,她教过学前班,3岁,4岁和5岁的孩子.

作为学校的一名领导. Bear works to model highly effective teaching and helps her colleagues to do the same by sharing lessons, 材料和合作,以提高他们在所有年级的成功. She has also served as a Teacher-Coach for Reading and Writing in grades K – 2 for the past three years. 通过辅导,. Bear developed a love for teaching writing and has lead her grade level in creating a standards driven and age-appropriate writing rubric.

艾莉森对她的工作感到自豪,并指导她团队中的新老师. 过去的几个夏天, she has come to school to help first year teachers set up their Montessori classrooms prior to preplanning. 她的校长写道, “Allison is truly a master teacher and works really hard with her students and families to make sure they get the best education possible. She is very popular with parents and one of my most requested teachers at the primary level.”

Allison熊 is representative of the district’s goal of retaining world class educators and serves Duval County Public Schools as a model educator.



威廉·米. 雷恩斯高中

迈克尔·博斯蒂克-琼斯(迈克尔Bostic-Jones)目前担任美国联邦调查局局长. 历史老师, 社会研究系主任, 领导团队成员, Rainesmen赞助商和运动教练. 作为一名教师. 博斯蒂克-琼斯为一群独特的学生提供教学支持. His ability to build productive relationships and solid knowledge of his content has helped him emerge as a respected leader in his role as an educator.

迈克尔不是一般的老师, as his high level of teacher efficacy is authentically evident in everything he does for his students. He consistently reflects on his childhood experiences and takes advantage of every opportunity to give students what he lacked as a result of growing up in the foster care system and attending multiple schools. “太好了!” is often loudly reverberating in the corridor as he monitors students transitioning from one class to the next.

Mr. Bostic-Jones’ innate ability to reach students through teaching goes beyond the four walls of the classroom. 作为一个历史老师, 他计划的课程将带领学生穿越不同的时代, 通过他真诚动人的演讲,在美国和世界各地传播. Having experienced being locked into a system of deprivation throughout his childhood, 迈克尔一直在努力为他的学生提供打破这些束缚的机会. 他已经筹集到了足够的资金, 在过去的两年里, 带学生去哥斯达黎加提供志愿服务, gain an experience in another country’s culture and ultimately realize that they can do anything, 去任何地方,成为任何他们梦想的人. 对他的许多学生来说,他是一个编织梦想的人.



弗兰克·H. 彼得森理工学院

夫人. Hultgren向学生介绍农业世界,并使他们成为部分所有者. 她通过课堂演示让商界参与到这个项目中来, 实地考察旅行, 指导和实习. 夫人. Hultgren took on the challenge of ensuring seniors in the Agriscience/Biotechnology Academy at Peterson were successful in obtaining the opportunity to intern with a veterinarian or animal shelter. 通过她的努力, the Agriscience/Biotechnology Academy received the designation as a “National Model Academy” through the National Career Academy Coalition.

一位以前的学生说,如果没有她,她就不会有今天的成就. 霍尔特格伦不断的鼓励和挑战要做得更好. 同样是这个学生,她最好的朋友在她高三的一场车祸中丧生. 她写道,夫人. 霍尔特格伦安慰她,鼓励她继续努力,不要放弃.

冬青Hultgren’s work is inspiring to her students, the school and educators across the nation. 她的毕业率达到了100%. 她不只是教学生, 她让他们做好终身服务的准备, 协作, 创新, 诚信、公平、卓越. As the nation is examining the importance and impact of Career and Technical Education (CTE), 霍莉·霍尔特格伦(冬青Hultgren)站在了这场运动的最前沿.




夫人. 斯泰森是雷诺兹巷的明星. 她积极的态度和乐于助人的精神鼓舞着每一个人. She has a special fondness for all of her students and makes it her personal mission to help each and every one of them become successful. Her enthusiasm about her students and her work is uplifting and makes her classroom a wonderful environment in which to learn.

夫人. 斯泰森的教室是一个学习的好地方. 它明亮,诱人,充满了学生的作品. 她是一名数学天才,她让学生们亲自动手,进行互动教学. 她给学生留下了深刻的印象. 她不仅在课堂上力求做到最好, 但她也努力确保学校是一个工作和学习的好地方.

夫人. Stetson continually exhibits outstanding leadership abilities in the classroom and within her school. She is a driven individual who strives to provide the best education for her students every day. 虽然她确实是这门手艺的大师, she embraces any opportunity for professional development and frequently seeks new ways to present material to her students in a fun and engaging way that will increase their understanding.

Caitlyn斯泰森毡帽’s students very often begin to mimic the growth mindset of their teacher. 这有助于形成每个人都在成长的课堂文化, 天天学习,争创佳绩.


Latrece 棕色(的)-Sudduth



Latrece 棕色(的) was named the 2017年佛罗里达蓝杜瓦尔县年度教师 at the 26th Annual EDDY Awards. 棕色(的), 安德鲁罗宾逊中学四年级数学和科学老师, 是由志愿者组成的委员会从173所公立学校的提名者中选出的. 作为2017年佛罗里达蓝杜瓦尔县年度教师, 布朗将继续争夺全州冠军.

棕色(的) is a champion for education and displays all of the qualities of a highly effective teacher. 她对学习充满热情,经常在工作之余花很多时间学习, 准备学习任务或活动,以满足学生的需要. 布朗一直表现出模范的领导品质. 她担任她年级水平的锚,STEM委员会担任主席. 表彰高质量的课堂教学, she is designated as a model teacher for the DTO Transformation Region by Superintendent Iranetta Wright.

作为一名教师领导,她担任四年级团队的主席. She demonstrates a deep understanding of the content and works collaboratively with her team to plan and deliver rigorous instruction in the classroom. 作为几个委员会的成员. 棕色(的) single-handedly planned STEM week, FSA parent night and a pep rally for the school. 她是安德鲁·A·安德森真正的“啦啦队长”. Robinson and her positive demeanor and personality make her a “go to” faculty member in her building.

In addition to being a phenomenal teacher, Latrece serves as a great resource to parents. She created a closed group Facebook page to help parents understand the concepts of mathematics she is teaching. Weekly she goes live to model strategies for solving a variety of problems or review commonly missed questions from parents and students in real time. 由于她能够跳出固有的思维模式. 布朗的脸书主页在学校引起了轩然大波. Students and parents from other classes frequently request information for participation in the group.

布朗很有魅力,也很有创造力. 她展现了课堂管理技巧,并与学生建立了融洽的关系, 同事和父母的特点是相互尊重. 除了擅长数学,她还是一个有天赋的体育爱好者. 她努力使孩子得到全面发展.

“激情, 奉献, and commitment to excellence our teachers show every day as they strive to help students excel in the classroom and in life are the best examples of service to improve our communities and the outcomes for children regardless of their obstacles. 我代表杜瓦尔县公立学校, 我很荣幸地祝贺拉特丽丝·布朗和所有的年度教师!”医生说。. 尼古拉P. 维蒂,杜瓦尔县公立学校的负责人.





